Kambo session
Kambo is a non-psychoactive traditional Amazonian medicine from the secretion of the frog Phyllomedusa Bicolour (also known as the giant monkey frog) which is found in the Amazon Basin and in other surrounding areas. The Kambo secretion comes from the frogs skin and is carefully collected without harming the frog. The secretion contains a synergistic blend of various peptides which are known to help bring the body back into a state of homeostasis. Kambo is often considered a “peptide supplement”, as many of the peptides within the human body have also been found in the Kambo secretion.
In the Amazon, Kambo has been used to energize, strengthen, and clean the body and mind; to fight infections, fever, and malaria; and used as a hunting aid due to its ability to increase strength and stamina. It is also believed to clear dark or negative energy (known as Panema) and help to overcome obstacles. Kambo is used in both traditional and modern day application to address a large spectrum of physical, emotional, and psycho-spiritual issues.
These peptides have the amazing ability to aid in the body’s natural ability to heal itself on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Some of its most well known attributes include improving physical and mental disease including Lyme, autoimmune disorders, PTSD, depression and anxiety.
A healthy connection to your body and deepened self-awareness
Increased appreciation and gratitude for life
More energy and heightened clarity
Release stuck, stagnant, and dense energies
Reignite inspiration and creativity
Process grief, anger, and other repressed emotions
The peptides found in Kambo offer a promising treatment for the following physical conditions:
Chronic pain
Lyme disease
Fertility problems
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
Thyroid issues
Heavy or painful periods
Mold toxicity
Chronic fatigue syndrome
C**** ‘long haul’
Gut and digestive issues
Autoimmune diseases
Cancer (tumors)
Organ disease
Blood circulation problems
I start by making small “gates” on your skin with the tip of an incense stick, burning the top two layers of skin. This allows a gateway for the medicine to enter your bloodstream. You will then need to drink about 3/4 of a liter of water while I’m preparing the medicine.
The medicine is applied to the gates and immediately starts working in your system. You will feel a warm sensation fill your whole body and your heart rate will increase. You’ll also feel a slight pressure in your neck and head and perhaps tingling sensations as a result of increased blood flow.
After 5-7 minutes these sensations will decrease and flu-like symptoms may start to arise. This is where the infamous “Kambo purge” may happen. Many people equate the purge to cleansing or detoxifying, but this is not what is happening.
The sudden change in your blood chemistry is merely causing your brain to send a signal to your stomach to purge whatever has just caused this change. The purge doesn’t happen for everyone and is not an indication of a successful session. The peptides are working in your system and doing exactly what they know to do. Some folks have a deep emotional release at this time - from deep grief to laugher or even a euphoric feeling.
The medicine is removed after 20 minutes, at which point you can rest. You will gain your energy back in 15-30 minutes and can go on with your day. Most people report increased energy and vitality immediately, if not the next day.
There is an integration period following the Kambo experience, where it’s as if the medicine is pointing you to what in your life needs to be looked at. Most people report increased clarity and a deeper connection with their bodies, as if a fog has lifted.
Peptides are found in every cell and tissue in the human body, and play an important role in many biological functions. They act as chemical messengers telling the cells how to behave.
The benefits of Kambo stem from the bioactive peptides and neuropeptides found in the Kambo secretion. The bioactive peptides help to restore function throughout the body and bringing it back into homeostasis. It’s like a factory reset for the body. These peptides play a significant role in human health by affecting the digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, and nervous systems. The peptides are considered the new generation of biologically active regulators; they can improve the treatment of various diseases and disorders, thus increasing the quality of life. (Source: Bioactive peptides: A review - Sánchez)
All over the internet, podcasts, and sometimes word of mouth, Kambo is referred to as frog poison. This is not at all the case. In fact, while the secretions do have toxic effects for any would-be natural predator of the frog in the Amazon, the amazing cocktail of bioactive peptides contained in the sticky substance each play integral roles in the health and wellbeing of human biology AND are endogenous to the human body.
More on the science of Kambo below.
When I first heard about this medicine, my first question was of course - “what about the frogs?” It’s important to know where your Kambo comes from. It’s up to all of us that benefit from these magnificent creatures to do our part to seeing they are protected. Being affiliated with and trained by Tribal Detox means that I not only know where my Kambo comes from, but I know that it is collected with reverence for the frogs. The Cocama tribe, where we get the medicine from, protect the frogs in their area of the jungle from over-harvesting. They sing to the frogs, who sing back and travel down from the canopy of the forest to meet the tribespeople who collect the medicine with a delicate approach.
The frogs are not endangered. The International Union for Conservation of Nature endangered species database lists the Phyllomedusa Bicolor in the “Least Concern” category due to their wide distribution and large population. Though we want to maintain this for centuries to come, and have therefore partnered with the Cocama tribe to ensure no over-harvesting of the frogs.
The Kambo is harvested ethically by the Cocama tribe who have been doing this for centuries. Tribal Detox has agreed to only acquire Kambo from the Cocama tribe and in turn, they will only provide Kambo to our practitioners to ensure sustainability and no over-harvesting. Our Kambo doesn’t just help people in our culture feel better. As a Tribal Detox facilitator, the Kambo I provide brings dollars back to the tribe that makes it all possible. We give back by providing food, medicine, clothes and funding for improvements in their infrastructure, land, and water supply.
If you’ve had an experience with me, you can contribute directly to support the Cocama of the Amazon. 100% of funds go directly to the tribe.
Listen to my teacher, Jason Fellows, illuminate the truth about Kambo. Learn about the biological and chemical makeup of Kambo, how it truly works once it’s administered, what health issues it can support you with and why, and the most common myths and red flags when it comes to Kambo use and Kambo practitioners.
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