Deepen Your Healing,
Clarify Your Calling,
Step Into Your Spiritual Gifts.

Spiritual Mentorship

The desire to become the most alive, conscious, joyful version of yourself has driven your personal growth and healing journey for many years.

You’ve done “the work”.

From talk therapy to somatic practices, you’ve opened yourself up to it all and have experienced the life-changing benefits…

  • You manage stress and uncertainty with more ease

  • You have untangled yourself from old patterns

  • You carry compassion for and understanding of the past

  • You integrate mindfulness practices into your day

  • You feel more open, free, and connected to your self

You’ve shed so many layers of your “old” Self, that you have stopped feeling aligned to your current life. But you’re not sure what is aligned for you. It may feel like you’re on the edge of a massive transformation - your toes hanging over the clip; your mind contemplating the jump across the gap.

What’s next for me? What do I really want? What do I feel called to do? What can I give to the world?

Many of us reach this point in our journey. Some refer to this inflection point as the “dark night of the soul”. 

It’s a liminal space when the meaning that you had given your life collapses, but you are not sure what a more aligned life looks like for you.

You may feel called to change careers.
You may feel called to end a relationship.
You may feel called to move across the country.
You may feel called to become a healer.
You may feel called to study with a spiritual mentor.
You may feel called to explore the world.

And while you know your inner wisdom is nudging you forward towards awakening into something deeper, the fear speaks loudly - making you hesitate and question. 

But what if you had a safe, sacred space to be held in your rebirth and metamorphosis?

What if you were guided by a spiritual mentor whose stood in your shoes, has taken the leap, and is now living a deeply fulfilling and aligned life?

What if you were surrounded by others who are on the same precipice with you, who carry the same intuitive knowings along with the fears?

My guess?
It would give you the courage to go forward and step into your expansion.

That’s what A DEEPER CALLING is designed to do.


A 6-month transformational mentoring program designed to awaken your soul purpose and ignite your spiritual practice and intuitive gifts.   

In this intimate group experience, you will be guided through a process that touches on all elements of your being in order to deepen your connection to your authentic truth, your desires, and your inner wisdom.

This program is a culmination and coalescence of all I have learned from the teachers, shamans, elders, and plants that I’ve studied with around the world. It requires a deep commitment and is for those who are ready to step into their power, open to their gifts, and ignite a spiritual practice that fits into their life.

You will receive personalized guidance and support from me while cultivating community with like-hearted others on a similar awakening journey.

The details

What’s included:

  • MENTORSHIP. Personalized guidance, support, and feedback

  • COMMUNITY. A community of others on a similar awakening journey to call friends and colleagues

  • COACHING CALLS. 8 90-minute group coaching calls and teachings

  • PRIVATE 1:1’s. 8 Private 60-minute Coaching Sessions group teaching and coaching calls

  • BONUS SESSIONS: 2 intuitive readings & 1 human design reading

  • SPECIAL EVENT: 1 in-person group retreat in Colorado

The Curriculum

  • Module 1: Mind & Body

    Conscious. Physical. Earth.

    Release known beliefs, thought patterns, behaviors that are no longer serving.

    Shed identifications, roles, and expectations from others.

    Understand your nervous system and how to regulate

  • Module 2: Somatics & Emotions

    Unconscious. Emotional. Water.

    Dive into the unconscious, understanding what drives your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors

    Work with your protective parts to start gaining trust in accessing your emotions

    Learn how to access, name, feel, and release stuck emotions

  • Module 3: Soul & Energy

    Higher Self. Energetic. Fire.

    Uncover who you are without expectation, fear, limitation

    Reclaim your sense of self and moving into an embodied and empowered Self

    Reveal and reorient to what you’re here to do - your purpose and life’s work

  • Module 4: Intuition & Spirit

    Universal. Unseen. Air.

    Learn how to spend more time in the present, and less time in anxiety or fear

    Practice living in trust and bringing more flow into your life

    Discover how to align and co-create with Spirit

    Attune to and enhance your intuitive gifts

The Results

What will you walk away with?

  • A stronger spiritual practice and deeper trust in your intuitive abilities

  • The ability to access, process, and alchemize difficult emotions

  • More aligned with your Truth rather than your conditioning or fear

  • Clarity on your purpose and gifts that you are meant to bring into the world - moving out of expectation and into soul purpose

  • An understanding of yourself and your energetic body - how energy moves within your own system, how it works in relationships, in lineage, and how it is influenced by the collective

  • Access authentic self, self-love, self-acceptance, and internal peace

Spiritual Mentor in Boulder


A Deeper Calling is for you if you…

  • have been on the healing and awakening journey but want to take it up a notch

  • have a sense of what you want to create and who you want to be in the world, but are still experiencing blocks

  • want to shift into making decisions from your intuition and body’s wisdom rather than over-thinking and analyzing

  • want to clarify your true purpose on the planet and how you can design a more fulfilling body of work or career

  • desire more intention, flow, and ease and less hustle, achieving, and perfectionism

  • are curious about developing a spiritual practice suited to your beliefs and lifestyle

  • are ready for a shift and need a roadmap to connect the dots between mind, body, energy, spirit

During your free consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to get to know me,
fill me in on what you want out of coaching, and how your present experience is impacting you. This will allow both of us to ensure we’re a good fit to work together and see if I’m the right fit to support you. I look forward to hearing from you.